
"Jalan karma terkesan sedemikian rumitnya, Kami berdua (Krishna dan Sudama) adalah murid dari guru yang sama, Namun Sri Krishna menjadi raja di dunia ini, dan aku tidak memiliki apapun untuk disantap, Krishna gemar bercanda-ria dengan para wanara di Gokula, gemar mengumpulkan kekayuan kering untuk sang guru, Saat ini Beliau duduk di atas singgasana, Sedangkan aku hanya memiliki sebuah cawan pengemis dan sebatang kayu di genggaman tangan-tanganku" - GAHANA KARMANO GATIH

Jalan Karma itu sangat misterius
Hukum karma hanya ada di kepercayaan Hindu tetapi saya mempercayai hukum karma. Hukum dasar kehidupan untuk apa yang kamu lakukan di dunia ini. Bisa dikatakan :

apa yang kamu tanam itu yang akan kamu tuai

Tergantung apa yang kamu lakukan, apakah kamu melakaukan kejahatan atau pun kebaikan untuk makhluk hidup yang ada di dunia ini, kalau untu kebaikan itu disebut karmaphala , sedangkan kejahatan nya karma. tergantung kalian yg memutuskan dari sekarang , ingin kejahatan atau kebaikan.

Percayalah KARMA itu ada !!


Butterfly Effect

"Sekecil apa pun keputusan yang kita ambil, selalu memiliki kaitan dengan yang lain, apa pun itu. Bisa jadi hidup orang lain. Bisa jadi peristiwa lain. Bisa jadi besar, bahkan tak terbayangkan. Satu kepakan lembut dari seekor kupu-kupu, bisa berarti badai tornado yang akan datang di tempat lain." - novel the secret of heaven

"butterfly effect adalah sebuah istilah atau mungkin filosofi yang cukup tenar karna maknanya yang mendalam" - Google

Intinya, butterfly effect means what we do now will affect all human's life in the next period
Maksud saya, mungkin saja hal yang kamu lakukan sekarang bisa membuat orang ditimpa kemalangan ataupun sebaliknya.

Pasti tidak hanya saya saat ini yang sedang memikirkan sesuatu hal yg disebut Butterfly Effect. Saya dari dulu bertanya-tanya, dan ini merupakan salah satu pertanyaan saya untuk siapa saja. Saya sangat mempercayai hal ini, sangat menyukai hal ini. Seperti bermain di pantai, seperti memakan es krim terenak di dunia

Jadi, perhatikan setiap langkah yang anda pijak


Cannot Erase

I'm exactly remember the title of your fake past monologue. however i was glad to heard from you
" Cannot Erase "


Quote of The Day 1

"Gw g perlu nyari akar-akar nya tapi gw tau dimana letak akar-akar nya"

Ruth Huewitz


10 Thing's I Hate About You

I hate the way you talk to me and way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare
I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind
I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme
I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh even worse when makes me cry
I hate it when you're not around and the fact that you did'nt call
But mostly
I hate the way i don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all

This is some poetry from "10 Thing's I Hate About You".
The fact. my heart tell , i don't hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all
So a few months ago, it's killed me with things like that

No matter you do to me
No matter how you do to erase me
No matter how happy you are with him

I never hated you first love


Quote of The Day

"Happiness Only Real When Shared" - Into The Wild

A words from a based on true story movie
You will got a perfect happiness, if you share with people you care around you

Be a Extrovert person


Just Need To Be Alone

i beg you please
can you keep silent your mouth to me
and stop judge me as if you know me so well

can you just looked up yourself
and stop dictated me

i hate those people
i hate noiseness things
i hate complicated things

i dont need you
i dont need them
i dont need all

all i need just alone and calmness people


Hitam dan Putih

Is what I see similar of what you see?
or you actually have to change the color of black or white
to look white or black
why change it?

we're doomed to see it all
and the laws of physics say there is a reflection of the sun will produce not only black or white color seen in our eyes

so actually what we seen ?
I saw white, but you say black

or maybe black is white, black is white,
so whatever we see
Let we say, we see the same clor

for any shape
for any color
for any means


Menangislah Jika Harus

I say "not committed"
once again for your own good "not committed"
It is very painful
where you'll learn to love the person, loving person

and in the end it was all just in vain
maybe with all these cries will erode
at least lessened the burden
and as time running will be forgotten

This is more than a word cry
Because I can not cry
I do not know how long it lasted
for days, months, years, until death maybe

I think this heart just torn
whatever you do, say, think
with anyone you together, joking, happy
the think will always come

and you'll thinking back to dream, feel, and think
trust me it hurts
I asked Him, why I was crying just for her?
Why can not I cry for someone else?

I prayed, asked, begging
I want to cry for someone else


Desember Rain

December will be here soon
ten or eleven
forgotten about something
December was 12

there will be rain for me and you
may be crying for me
or maybe will laugh for you
but I hope it rains

if there is no rain, how?
well I'm going to make their own rain
yes indeed you are? god!
no, I'm just a man

My tears are rain, rain for me, rain for you

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